il Giappone in Italia

In questa sezione indichiamo alcune delle notizie più importanti della giornata riprese da diverse testate giornalistiche come Japantoday, The Japan Times, NHK ecc.


10.01.2014 00:29

Prefettura di Mie - esplosione in impianto chimico, 5 morti

Japan Today   Multiple casualties reported in Mie factory explosion A number of people were killed or injured in an explosion at a chemical factory in Mie Prefecture on Thursday, police and reports said. “There was some explosion triggered by some sort of chemical reaction...


10.01.2014 00:27

Yokohama - preso il fuggitivo

Da JapanToday:   Fugitive rape suspect captured in Yokohama park A 20-year-old man, arrested on charges of rape and robbery, who escaped from the Yokohama District Prosecutors Office building on Tuesday, was captured in a Yokohama park on Thursday afternoon. Japanese media reported that Yuta...


10.01.2014 00:25

Okinawa - arrestata stalker tramite delega...

Okinawa - ragazza 23enne arrestata dopo aver assoldato tramite un sito internet una stalker per infastidire il suo ex. Spesso gli sono arrivati scarafaggi morti a casa. Alla fine si e' risaliti alla mandante.   Da JapanToday:   Woman arrested on harassment charges after using 'proxy...


09.01.2014 02:43

Kanagawa - 4000 poliziotti alla ricerca di uno stupratore fuggito

Da JapanToday:   4,000 police search for rape suspect who escaped from prosecutors office in Kawasaki Kanagawa prefectural police said Wednesday that 4,000 officers have been mobilized to search for a 20-year-old rape and kidnap suspect who escaped from the Yokohama District Public...


09.01.2014 02:39

Cibo avariato - più di 1000 persone coinvolte

Salgono a piu' di 1000 le persone sentitesi male dopo aver mangiato cibo contenente pesticidi evidentemente proibiti. LEGGI QUI


09.01.2014 02:36

Japanese Mac

La Mc Donald's in Giappone ritira fuori i sapori di un tempo, riproponendo i vecchi hamburger di allora. LEGGI QUI  


08.01.2014 01:13

Pugile 21 enne muore dopo k.o.

Da JapanToday:   21-year-old boxer dies after knockout in debut bout A 21-year-old Japanese boxer died in a Tokyo hospital on Monday, 17 days after he was knocked out during his professional debut, the Japan Boxing Commission said. Tesshin Okada lost consciousness after the fourth and final...


08.01.2014 00:55

Yamagata - muore a 12 anni sotto un treno

Da JapanToday:   12-year-old girl dies after being hit by bullet train in Yamagata  A 12-year-old girl was killed in what may have been a suicide after she walked onto the tracks and was hit by a bullet train in Tendo, Yamagata Prefecture, on Tuesday morning. According to police, the...


06.01.2014 19:48

Matsuyama - muore investito dal treno. 5 anni

Da JapanNews:     5-year-old boy dies after being hit by train in Ehime A five-year-old boy died after he was hit by a train in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, on Sunday morning. According to police, the accident occurred on a crossing on the JR Yosan line at around 10:40 a.m....


06.01.2014 19:42

Big One - l'attesa

Sembra proprio certo che prima o poi arriverà' il Big One, un terremoto a colpire pesantemente Tokyo. Le conseguenze saranno disastrose. LEGGI QUI
